Thursday, December 15, 2011

Men Are Tempted to Lust...Women Are Tempted to be Lusted After.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'pornography'?  Where is pornography most prevelant?  It might not be what you think.  In a follow up blog, Dr. Rick Thomas speaks about the layers of this growing issue with men and women.  Below is the Big Key point that Dr. Thomas makes, which I think we all know at some level.  Our hearts are the problem.  No matter what temptation we give in to or sin that we habitually commit, the problem is not outside of us, it is very much inside us.  This is a really good article with some great reminders for guys about the problem of lust, as well as some possible new thoughts for women to think about in their own lives.  You can click on the link below to read the blog post from Counseling Resources Ministries. 
Pornography is something that we all know is a problem in our lives, but we don't often get it out in the open.  This is another silent killer in the hearts and lives of men in the church today and I believe is growing in the lives of women.  May God give us all the courage to get this out in the open, not only in our own lives, but also to help fellow believers to be able to talk about this struggle.  Please read the blog post and then share it with someone that you know who struggles in this area.

Big Key - Porn is a secondary issue or the manifestation of a deeper issue. The real issue is a matter of the heart. The roots of pornography reach into a man’s heart. Porn is born in the heart, which the Bible would call lust.
Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire (lust). Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin (porn), and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death (relational dysfunction). – James 1:14-15 (ESV)
Once we reframe the argument and re-evaluate our thinking, then we will realize that the problem is much bigger than we first believed. If the problem is more about lust, which it is, then it becomes evident that men are not the only people with a porn problem.

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