Have you ever stopped to ponder just how small we are in the bigger picture of this world, this universe? Have you gone beyond that and really thought about just how big a God would have to be to create something unmeasurable? The Bible gives us a faint picture of just how big our God is..."Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a span,..." (Isaiah 40:12a) God can hold our universe in the palm of His hand...the span of His hand.
God is big and we are small, but we are not created to live in our smallness alone. Just as the desert plants produce seeds in clusters for survival, believers are to live in community with one another as well. How do believers survive living in this fallen world? By the grace of God, the guideance of His Word, through the forgiveness of sin by Jesus' death and resurrection, and by the power of the Holy Spirit who endwells us. Also by serving the Lord in community with other believers so that we can help each other and pray for each other and go with each other as we reach this world for Christ.
Are we living in community or are we trying to survive alone without help in a parched land?